The Winchendon School Blog

admin decision

What Does My Admissions Decision Mean?

March 10th is here and with it, the excitement and sometimes anxiety as families hear about private school admission decisions. Before March 10th:

Waiting For Your Boarding School Acceptance Letter

If you spend your days waiting for a response from the boarding school of your dreams, you’re not alone. Many students have their hearts set on one [...]
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Boarding School Interview Questions

Do you have an interview with a boarding school admission officer? Congratulations! Here are a few handy tools and look over a few common interview [...]

Top 7 Ways to Crush A Virtual Interview

How to Turn a Downer into an Advantage
how not to choose a boarding school

How NOT to Choose a Boarding School

You’ve put in the time, completed your applications, embarked on tours and prepped for boarding school interview questions - congratulations! As [...]
stay professional on social media

Six Ways to Stay Professional on Social Media

Is it even possible to use social media, protect your professional reputation and remain true to your personality and friendships? Yes, though it [...]
application deadline

What to Do If You Miss The Application Deadline

Did you miss the application deadline for the private New England boarding school you think is perfect? It may still all work out for you. Schools [...]
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What to Wear To Your Private School Interview

If you have a private school interview coming up, congratulations! In the days leading up to the interview, many students wonder not only about what [...]
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When to Apply to Boarding School: A Timeline

When it comes to the boarding school application process, it’s best to start thinking about applying at least a year in advance. At The Winchendon [...]